Hi I'm DJ
I'm a software engineer living in Seattle Washington. I'm currently
working for
I've found this to be an incredibly enriching, as an opportunity to take products from the idea state to shipped and in the hands of customers. My work often covers everything from the bits to pixels. Each time I go through the process again I believe that I a little better and learn something new. Whether implementing a better testing strategy or doing a deep dive on the complexities of a technical stack.
Most recently I have focused on refining and improving my ability to be a force multiplier both through leadership roles as well as a heavy focus on mentorship. I have found that I am most effective when I am able to help others grow and improve.
Over my career I have been fortunate enough to work at
This site
This website is a single page application built using Vite, React and React Router. It has evolved from originally built stack that generated tiny chunks of information.
It is hosted on Cloudflare pages. The main typeface used it Karmilla.
Around the web
Here are a few places you can find me on the internet and perhaps learn more about what I'm working on